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Morpheus 8 Before and After [Real Photos Included]

Written by Cosmedica | June 14, 2024





AS my 30th birthday approached, I felt a growing desire to try something new.

This decision landed me on one thing: to refresh and rejuvenate my skin.

Although I had tried regular neuromodulator treatments every few months, I noticed my skin looked a bit weighed down with the horizontal lines on my neck. As an acne-prone skin girl (with a combination of an oily T-zone and dry cheeks with red undertones), I wanted to improve my skin’s overall look, including its tightness.

So, I began my personal research.

I pored through many blogs, forums and reviews. And that was how I stumbled upon testimonials on Morpheus8. I was immediately intrigued and curious by its promised benefits and the radiant complexion of those who had undergone the treatment from their photos.

This was going to be it, my gift to myself as I turned the decade. After all, what could possibly go wrong?

Here’s my real experience with Morpheus8 and what to expect before and after.




Act I: The Consultation Experience

Eager to explore Morpheus8 further, I scheduled a consultation at my regular MedSpa.

Their treatment designer provided comprehensive information about the treatment, addressing all my concerns (such as, on a scale of breaking in new shoes to noticing a giant pimple on the day of your surprise proposal, how painful is Morpheus8?) and answered all my questions.

Armed with adequate knowledge, I chose a treatment package of three sessions for optimal results and awaited my first day of treatment in a few weeks.




Act II: The Treatment Day

On an unassuming afternoon in August, I showed up for my first treatment appointment.

Leading up to it, my heart racing, I experienced a weird mix of nervousness and excitement. Thankfully, I was reassured by my treatment provider, especially with the option of a numbing cream and Pronox for pain.

I realized it wouldn’t be so bad.

The camera shuttered as I did a short series of “before” photos to capture various angles of my face and neck before she applied the numbing cream. After a 30-minute numbing period, things got real as my treatment started.




Act III: What Does Morpheus8 Feel Like?

I braced myself for the procedure, aware of its potential discomfort. Although I was very confident in the clinic’s expertise, the fear of the unknown lingered.

My laser tech got to work, beginning with my neck and keeping the numbing cream on my face to ensure it stayed potent for subsequent areas.

I would describe the ensuing sensation as warm pressure; the device's initial sound startled me more than the feeling itself. The device delivered tiny pins—24 in total—into my skin while emitting radiofrequency (RF) energy, giving me the anti-aging benefits of both microneedling and RF at the same time!

I felt a gradual stinging sensation, similar to what a sunburn would feel like.

Overall, I found the treatment to be tolerable. I relied solely on the numbing cream for pain management during the treatment. However, I liked the fact that Pronox was available as a second option if I needed it.




Act IV: The Immediate Aftermath



After the treatment, I had some swelling and redness, and my face and neck had imprints that looked like “Shreddies.” My laser tech assured me this was normal and prepared me with the proper aftercare skin products to take home. Even though it was uncomfortable at first, I was hopeful about the results I would see from the Morpheus8 treatment.

By evening, before bed, the redness and swelling had gone down a lot, and I only had some small needle marks on my neck as a reminder of the treatment. I kept my skin clean with a gentle cleanser and moisturised with the products my laser tech provided.

I had been well informed that it takes three weeks to start to see results from treatment and to wait four to six weeks before the next one.

I couldn’t wait to see my progress.




Act V: The Healing Process & Follow-Up Treatments

In the days following my Morpheus8 treatment, I noticed my skin improving.

My first sign was that my makeup was sitting beautifully on my skin with the same products I had used before my Morpheus8 treatment. The second was that my jawline looked tighter and more defined, and my submentum (or “double-chin area”) was smaller and firmer!

By week three, my skin was significantly smoother.

My second treatment was five weeks after the first. I felt the treatment sting a bit more than the previous one. Although my laser tech assured me the settings were the same as before, I wondered why my tolerance was lower.

We eventually discovered the reason: I was more sensitive because I had some wine the night before and was a little dehydrated.

Pro tip: no alcohol the day before treatment.

Speaking of unwanted effects, I had minimal swelling and redness in the treatment area, but these subsided within a few hours. Throughout the course of treatments, I didn’t have any major side effects, although I did have bruising on my jawline, which I was reassured was typical. I also prescribed a “post-procedure balm” alongside sunscreen.

I was looking forward to the third and final treatment until I realised there was a problem: It coincided with my regular neuromodulator treatment. I became anxious and asked if I could go ahead with both treatments on the same day as my Morpheus8.

“Of course!”


My third Morpheus8 procedure went first, and afterwards, I was taken to the injectable room for my neuromodulator treatment. I had 52 units injected: along my forehead, between my eyebrows, my crow’s feet, the jelly roll under my eyes, the bunny lines on my nose and a lip flip.

A review appointment was scheduled for six weeks after my final treatment.

By the time my follow-up appointment rolled around, I could see a marked improvement in my skin. The combination of the neuromodulator had a synergistic effect, making my skin firmer, smoother, and radiate a healthier glow. Friends and family also noticed, and with their many honest compliments, I felt even more confident when I went out.

After my three treatments, I met with my laser tech for my “after” photos. I also sent the photos to my consultant, and we were all pleased with the results.




The Final Verdict



As you can see, the result speaks for itself: my acne is completely gone, my skin tone and texture have improved significantly, my jawline is more defined, my neck appears slimmer and tighter, my laugh lines are diffused, and I have an overall fresher appearance.

Overall, my Morpheus8 experience surpassed my expectations.

If you’re considering Morpheus8 or a similar treatment, I wholeheartedly recommend taking the leap.




Get Started with Morpheus8 at Cosmedica in Victoria, BC

If you’re looking for a treatment that will turn back the clock and enhance your skin quality, Morpheus8 could be for you! Investing in yourself never fails, but make sure to speak to the right treatment providers.

At Cosmedica, we’re confident that you’ll receive comprehensive, personalised and professional care.

Book a consultation with our experts today.

This real-life experience was consented to and shared for reproduction with permission from the owner.